What Makes People Eat Raw Food?

What Makes People Eat Raw Food?
Throughout kitchens and restaurants around the world, there is a revolution taking place. People are turning to Raw Food as opposed to the cooked food that society has traditionally eaten. Which begs the question: Why?
One of the primary ways we experience the world around us is through what we eat, drink and think. So why then would people be foolish enough to put food into their bodies that isn't cooked? After some extensive research, it turns out these people might not be as foolish as originally thought.
The assumption behind cooking food is that the original form of Nature, as it exists, must be altered in some way in order for it to exist in an artificial form inside us. Or simply put, when feeding something natural (our body), it is necessary to give it something unnatural.
The problem is that when food is cooked it becomes less than it was before, never more. According to International Best-Selling author and Raw Food expert, David Wolfe, cooking alters organic molecules. When those molecules are ingested, they become part of our tissues. Thus eating cooked food alters our tissue at a fundamental level.Cooked food is dense. It leaves a toxic ash residue in the body after it has been processed. Over many years, the debris from this toxic residue accumulates and is deposited throughout our tissue. Eventually the toxins reach a crisis level, clogging and poisoning our body's systems which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
What is Raw Food?

Raw food is alive, it still contains the vital nutrients and enzymes that gave the food life in the first place. Cooking food (above 239?F) destroys all of the enzymes and the food becomes "dead".
Enzymes are vital in that the body requires them to digest and absorb food, effectively helping to turn it into fuel.
Enzymes also are essential for many of the body's processes such as breathing, digestion, circulation, cognition and the prevention of inflammation and aging.
Cooked Food = No Enzymes
Eating cooked and processed foods makes one groggy, affects moods, lower's one's level of attention and interferes with the body's optimal functioning. A poor diet of highly cooked foods can also have a detrimental effect on longevity.
A cooked seed will not grow. It has had the life burnt out of it. How then would eating cooked food be the best way to help us grow?
Cooked food was not here when we first appeared on Earth.
Raw food was.
Raw-Animal or Raw-Plant Food?
Some people opt for a raw-animal diet, however typically the health of these people weakens over time, for a number of reasons. Namely meat can be very high in fat, cholesterol, calories and disease and bacterial contamination.
The other option is a raw-plant based diet.
People who follow a raw-plant based diet benefit from vital enzymes which allow the body to fully digest food, enzymes which are typically lost when food is cooked.
Health benefits include:
Having more energy
Skin has a much healthier complexion
Improved digestion
Weight Loss
A significant drop in the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular diseases [1]
Warning: Detox Alert
Raw/Live foods are naturally detoxifying, the more toxicity your body has, the more of a reaction you could have to these cleansing foods. You may look and feel worse before you look and feel better!
This is completely natural and is the body's way of releasing all the rubbish that has been stored up over time - if this happens to you, feel good as its working and you're on your way to a healthy active life.

The Right Food for Long Term Food Storage

The Right Food for Long Term Food Storage
One of the most important considerations when preparing food for long term storage is the type of food that you select to store. Selecting the right types of food will ensure that you have quality food available in an emergency that will not spoil rapidly. It's also important that the food selected is shelf stable and does not need to be refrigerated or frozen.
Most of the foods that you should store are grains, dried beans and other staples. Grains and beans will make up the bulk of your food storage as they are cheap, easy to store and nutritious. Most of the protein sources that you will store will be canned or dried. Fats should be selected from sources that are shelf stable for a year or more.
Because of their low price and ease of storage, carbohydrates will probably make the bulk of your food storage system. Carbohydrates have four calories per gram and are utilized by the body for energy. Most carbohydrate sources will also provide fiber, which is important for the digestive system to function properly. B vitamins can also be obtained from many carbohydrate sources. Some carbohydrate sources will also contain sources of protein, although they will not be as functional for the body as an animal based protein.
Most carbohydrates in food storage will consist of grains, although beans and sugar or honey also store well and provide carbohydrates. Grains are great for food storage as they are inexpensive when purchased in bulk and store for long periods of time in food storage buckets.
Protein is one of the harder sources of food to store but is just as important as carbohydrates for survival. Like carbohydrates, a gram of protein contains four calories. Protein is a very important nutrient as it is the most abundant molecule in the body after water. The body uses protein to repair damaged muscles and also for growth.
Protein cannot be stored as easily as grains since many protein sources contain high amounts of moisture. Most of your protein will be in the form of canned meats, either that you purchase from the store canned or meats that you can yourself. Canned fish and beef are good protein sources that you should store and pair well with grains such as rice. Meats stored in cans should last several years, and even past the expiration date. Even though the taste will diminish it will still be a viable source of nutrition.
One of the most over looked sources of food for storage is fats. This is unfortunate because it is one of the most important food sources and also very nutritionally dense with nine calories per gram. Fats are used in the body for energy and also play an important role in maintaining healthy skin and organs. Additionally, fats provide vitamins that are not easily obtained from carbohydrates or protein. Fats will also enhance meals prepared from your stored foods as much of the food will be bland without it.
The biggest concern with storing fats and why many people lack sufficient fat sources in their food storage is the fact that many fats can go rancid quickly. Although this is true of many polyunsaturated fats, like vegetable oils, peanut oils, and other cooking oils, it is not true of all sources of fats. Coconut oil is a great fat to store for long term.
 Because coconut oil is composed almost completely of saturated fat it is solid at room temperature, very shelf stable and resistant to rancidity. Coconut oil also has a high smoke point so it is great for cooking various foods. Coconut oil can be purchased in grocery stores in smaller amounts or online in large containers. Coconut oil will store two or more years at room temperature.

The Food Desert You Know Nothing About

The Food Desert You Know Nothing About
In 2011 the USDA had a brilliant plan to build awareness of the food desert problem in the country. The plan involved an interactive map, displaying all the Food Deserts in the nation. Certainly the idea was pioneering, finally there existed one geographic targeting source for any agency trying to address Food Access, or related problems, across the country. The only unusual thing is that now only small pockets of food deserts exist in New York City, mostly near parks or industrial zones.
The health and obesity problem is real in N.Y.C. Real enough for the Mayor, and at least one candidate trying to replace him, to both have initiatives trying to address it.
Race also inevitably compounds the issue. Obesity nationwide is significantly more common in communities of color, and a Department of Health study demonstrates that the trend holds true in our city. In NYC, communities of color also tend to be earn the lowest annual incomes.Where you have obesity, and many low income earners, you probably have poor access to food for one reason or another. The most common issue nationally is poor transportation options to get to healthy food sources such as supermarkets.
This is where the USDA's idea lost its relevance to New York City. In their identification, the USDA seems to have relied on the premise that food deserts only exist if you're low income, and live a certain distance from a supermarket.
But "food desert" isn't the accurate description for the problem millions of New Yorkers probably have. What we're in is more so a "food swamp" than it is a "food desert."A food swamp is somewhere with easy access to food, but that access is either overwhelmingly to unhealthy options, or to supermarkets with sub-par quality food.The phenomenon has been studied repeatedly, including by the city's Department of Health. In the DOH study three neighborhoods were examined, two of which were in Harlem: East Harlem, Central Harlem, and the third was the Upper East Side. Both East and Central Harlem are poorer communities, with residents mostly of color. They also have a total average obesity rate of 29%, significantly above the city's 22% average.
What the DOH found may be unsurprising to residents, but probably a shock to the USDA researchers. First, both East and Central Harlem had more bodegas and less supermarkets than the Upper East Side. Not only that, bodegas carrying healthy foods were less likely to exist in East and Central Harlem, despite bodegas being more common in those neighborhoods. Finally, although restaurants existed in all three neighborhoods, fast food was far more common in East and Central Harlem than in the Upper East Side.Poor people, many of whom are obese, living within close proximity to unhealthy, relatively cheap food options that outnumber healthier options: what the DOH had investigated, and essentially defined, was a "Food Swamp." And although slightly different from a "Food Desert," that difference is what defines whether N.Y.C. is just a hotbed of poor decision making, or an inconvenient trap.
The DOH didn't even get into the meat of supermarket food quality. Further investigation would have probably found significant differences in the healthy options available, and the quality of packaging and storage of food between supermarkets in low vs. high income neighborhoods.An apple from C-Town is not the same as an apple from Trader Joe's.A similar study confirmed the DOH's findings. Food swamps were significantly more common in Black and Latino neighborhoods across the city.
Some have argued that food deserts aren't a problem in the city. To their credit, they've based a large part of their opinion on the USDA's map, and anecdotal evidence without the appropriate context. When you understand what a "food swamp" is, you can no longer ask people if they have access to produce. You need to ask them, as a person working or often looking for work, which is more convenient for your lifestyle: fast food or raw produce? Which is easier for you to access and consume during a normal day?
As minorities, especially Latinos, become a growing future majority in the city, we need to ask these same questions of people's children. I wouldn't be surprised to see a negative correlation between age and fast food consumption, especially as more minorities are forced to populate food swamps due to socioeconomic barriers to residing in other neighborhoods.

The Drug We Call Food

The Drug We Call Food
I just read an article on 'retiring the phrase 'real women'' which reminded me of a thought I have had for the last several weeks with regards to food. Every time I watch television (which is not all that often) I see grocery store commercials referring to food and natural food. Driving through cities I often see similar references letting the public know they actually have natural foods in addition to the artificial products on the shelf. 
My goodness, when did food become a synthesized habit rather than a natural requirement for sustaining our existence? When I was a child, we blessed our food; acknowledging the love that brought it to our table and the purpose it fueled. And for all I know, many people still do offer grace before eating; however, I cannot help but wonder if that has become just as much of a synthesized habit as the food being consumed because we are actually hoping and praying for 'real food'.
Most of what we buy today is riddled with chemicals; additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavorings, fillers, and the incremental secret ingredients NOT listed on the label because the FDA says it is okay. Oddly enough, there is a war on drugs; yet, we eat the most unnatural foods ever known to man.
 It used to be that food was simple; combining various ingredients to create different flavor experiences as well as compliment other dishes. Sadly due to difficult times, food needed to be 'stretched' so we developed ways to do just that in order to feed our hungry families. It did not take long for 'man' to discover the money making benefits to this thought process; hence, the birth of processed foods. While the intention was to be able to assure we did not go hungry, the result was the exact opposite. Today, we are a society of malnourished addicts fighting the wrong drug war.
I believe it is time we start telling it like it is. We crave a lot of the junk foods because we are hooked on the chemicals used to fabricate them. I learned this first hand with diet drinks. Many people claim to be addicted to sugar and / or caffeine. In fact, some have gone so far as to say this is why I 'have to have a diet soda'; I need my caffeine fix.
 I beg to differ. My diet consists of some of the cleanest foods around with the exception of the occasional soft drink; so, why do I drink it? Because I am no different than any other human; I enjoy life and will intermittently partake in some things that taste good but are not exactly healthy.
 That being said, I am aware that when I go without my favorite drink for a certain amount of time, I begin to feel 'off'. I believe this has a lot to do with having such a healthy diet. So not soon after I enjoy a sip or two, I begin to sense a relief.
 I know for a fact when I drink a cup of coffee or caffeinated tea, I do NOT have the same result which is why I say I am hooked on the chemicals in the diet soft drinks and not the caffeine. 
And what is even stranger is the aspartame in these drinks depletes my body of the mineral magnesium which would make a person question why the body would desire more of something that is essentially causing it harm... hmmmm? My best educated guess is drugs!

Vegan Foods - Do Not Miss Out On These

Vegan Foods - Do Not Miss Out On These
When I first started trying out the vegan diet, I would only stick to the same foods I was familiar with, without knowing that I was limiting myself to the huge possibilities you can get from experimenting with so many different classes of vegan foods.
Remember that there is a huge spectrum of vegetables, nuts, oils, beans, wheats and fruits that you haven't tried so always keep an open mind when you are at the market to try new things. Also remember that each vegetable or fruit has its own unique amazing properties, so if you want to get all the nutrients each vegan food offers, you need to try them all.
Here are some of the new discoveries I have made that have change my vegan lifestyle when I put them into my diet.
Lucuma - This fruit is native to the cool highlands of Peru. It has great nutritional values and It was considered by the Incas as the "great fruit" or "Gold of the Incas". If you are interested in trying out this fruit, luckily for us it's becoming more popular and you can find them in Hispanic markets. Now I still haven't found the actual fruit but I have found the frozen pulp, which makes an awesome smoothie when use with soy milk.
Camu Camu - Another fruit from the amazon rainforest, this fruit is gaining more popularity for having the highest concentration of vitamin C in a fruit. This fruit is actually very famous in Japan for its powerful anti-depressant quality. This fruit is getting more exposure in the markets but right now I have only found this in juice or as a supplement.
Flax Seed Oil - This oil is a must for your diet. Flax seed oil has one of the greatest concentrations of omega 3 essential fatty acids which are essential for a good health. Try this on your salads to add a unique flavour.
Like these, there are still hundreds of new vegan foods you need to try. Just keep an eye open for new veggies, fruits and nuts next time you go to the market. You will be amazed at how your vegan recipes are going to expand, so you won't have to eat the same thing over and over.

List of Vegan Foods - Delicious Vegetarian Foods

List of Vegan Foods - Delicious Vegetarian Foods
If you decide to go on a vegan diet for health or for compassionate reasons, you need to know the list of vegan foods that you can eat. But you also need to be aware of the list of foods that you can no longer eat because they use animal products, even in a minute fashion. Please be sure to talk to your doctor before switching to eating only a list of vegan foods.
The No-Nos

In order to eat a vegan diet, you can no longer eat anything made with honey or dairy products. You also can't eat anything made with eggs or powdered bone or powdered animal organs. This means that you have to check the ingredients of everything you plan on putting into your mouth.
Even gelatin is no longer allowed. It's made from the bones, skins and tendons of animals (usually cows). There are some products marketed as "vegan gelatin", but they are made with other products, like seaweed, that mimic gelatin. Kosher gelatin does not count as vegan gelatin.

For example, milk chocolate is no longer allowed. But dark chocolate is allowed on the list of vegan foods as long as eggs or butter haven't been added. Cocoa butter isn't the same as butter from cow's milk. It's made entirely from oils of the cacao bean.
The Yeses
The list of vegan foods that you are allowed to eat is a lot longer than the list of foods that you can no longer eat. It might not seem that way at first because you have been in the habit of only eating certain kinds of foods. You can eat any kind of nut, bean, grain, fruit and vegetable. That's a whole lot!
You can use vegetable oils and spices to make new flavor combinations. Beans and grains come in a surprising array of textures. If you have a food processor, you can combine vegetables, grains, nuts and beans to make a meatloaf-like dish. By draining tofu well and marinating it before cooking, you can get a very tasty alternative to crumbled hamburger.
There are two products that are approved for vegans that you can find at any American supermarket. These are Bac-O's, which aren't made with any bacon or meat. They are actually made of soy. Another vegan American kitchen pantry staple is Manwich, a sauce traditionally for sloppy joes, that doesn't have any trace of animal products in it.
More Normal

There are more and more foods made with vegetable-based ingredients that mimic the textures and flavors of foods made with diary products. For example, it's very hard to tell the difference between vegan cheese and the usual cheese. You can also freeze bananas and mash them up to make a substitute for ice cream.
Because more and more people are switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet, large manufacturers are paying attention to this lucrative new market. You no longer need to hunt a specialty health food store in order to get quality vegan food. Vegan burgers and frozen entrees can be easily found in any supermarket chain.

10 Best Healthy Foods We Are Not Eating

10 Best Healthy Foods We Are Not Eating
When we shop at the market or go to a restaurant our first thought is to get food we like to eat and know. There are several foods out there that do not often make it into the shopping cart.
We always think that we don't want that or don't have time to fix that, but the reality is it doesn't take any more time to prepare a well balanced and nutritious meal than going to the drive through and getting something unhealthy when you calculate the time it takes to get through a line of ten cars or ten people in the restaurant.
Below you will find a list of ten foods you should be eating and reasons why.
Healthy Food #1 - Beets
The first item on the list is beets. Yeah, I know. I'm not one for beets either, but if you pick up a fresh beet from the supermarket rather than the can you will be getting a better taste as well as a healthy food. The beet is like red spinach it offers you a great source of folate and betaine. These are two nutrients that can help you lower your blood levels and decrease your risk of heart disease. Sounds pretty good right?
Healthy Food #2 - Cabbage
Cabbage is another source of great vitamins and you don't just have to through it in a salad. You can put cabbage on burgers, eat it in coleslaw, or even Asian style cabbage in your next Chinese dinner dish. Cabbage is just 22 calories of food and contains so many vitamins, it is one of the reason those on an Asian or European diet are healthier. You will find that cabbage contains sulforaphane, which helps boost your immunity to breast cancer. There are many healthy foods that can actually help us fight disease, so you may want to start eating a few.
Healthy Food #3 - Guava
Guava is not a very popular fruit in some cultures, but it is one of the best fruits to take. Guava contains lycopene, which is an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer. You will find that tomatoes and watermelon have some of the lycopene, but it isn't as much as guava. Guava actually has a sweeter flavor than other fruits. It is less acidic so it usually goes down great. For those who can't handle oranges or pineapple this is a pretty great treat. You can eat the fruit plain, make a juice, or have a fruit bowl with bananas and other fruits that also offer you some great nutrients.
Healthy Food #4 - Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard is not a popular item by any means, but again it is very healthy for you. Swiss Chard is a leafy green, which is found in the Mediterranean. You will find that this particular plant contains lutein and zeaxanthin along with carotenoids that help with your eyesight. The carotenoids help reduce the damage of aging to the retinas. This particular plant is good with steak or chicken after it has been steamed.
Healthy Food #5 - Cinnamon
Who doesn't love cinnamon? Surprisingly many of us don't get enough cinnamon. You don't have to have cinnamon in a cinnamon roll, but you can certainly add it to many recipes. It is a great way to help reduce your blood sugar and the risk of heart disease. You can just sprinkle it on oatmeal or even in your coffee depending on what you like most.
Healthy Food #6 - Purslane
Purslane is a vegetable found in Mexico, China, and Greece among other countries. It is a broad leaved weed. You will find this edible plant has more melatonin in it than other fruits and vegetables. This means that you will have an antioxidant in your body that naturally reduces the risk of cancer. Most often this purslane is found among salads.
Healthy Food #7 - Pomegranate
Going back to juices for a minute you will find that the pomegranate juice is one of the most highly recommended juices to purchase. Everyone used to drink orange juice, but now it is pomegranate juice. The pomegranate juice regulates your body, by offering more energy as well as helping to reduce blood pressure. 4 ounces of pomegranate juices provides 50 percent of your daily vitamin C needs as well.
Healthy Food #8 - Goji Berries
Goji Berries is another great fruit to help you reduce the risk of disease; specifically you will help reduce the likelihood of having diabetes when you eat these berries. The Goji Berries are a medical food from Tibet. They have been around for more than 1700 years. You will find that they have an antioxidant that helps reduce diabetes because it offers a way to reduce insulin resistance. You can eat them as a juice, plain, or with yogurt.

Healthy Food #9 - Plums
Plums, especially dried plums which are prunes are another healthy source of food. Prunes offer chlorogenic acid, and antioxidants that are able to reduce the risk of cancer. You will find that prunes are also a great help in regulating the body if you suffer from constipation. You can eat the prunes by themselves or sprinkle them over a prosciutto and back for a few minutes.

Healthy Food #10 - Pumpkin Seeds
The last item on the list is the pumpkin seeds. While we just think about pumpkin seeds during Halloween in most cases you will find that they are a great source of natural minerals our bodies need. They contain magnesium as well as antioxidants. Pumpkin seeds can help reduce the risk of cancer in that they provide more oxygen to your cells and there is less damage. They can usually be found near the peanuts or almonds in a store.